Never. I would have never thought we would even consider
homeschooling. Jay and I both went to public schools, and excelled. We have NO
DOUBTS about public school being the right choice for our children too.
And then it came time for 3 year old preschool. Not that
it’s mandatory, or in the case of Cam, even necessary (he’s a smarty pants…
good and bad). But we found ourselves in a difficult position.
Cameron’s birthday is August 31st. Meaning he is
age eligible for school, THE DAY BEFORE the cut off, September 1st.
So in a sense, having him do two years of preschool seemed like a great idea.
Maybe he wouldn’t seem like the absolute youngest kid in his class if he had
the extra year. (Though, I have to say, if you saw him, observed his interactions
with other kids, and listened to him talk, you’d never think he JUST turned 3…
Yes, I’m bragging. But he’s MY SON. I get to do that!)
Cue the drama surrounding potty training. (I’m so thankful
we’ve finally crossed that bridge!) We tried several times, and had to
continually put in on the back burner. The kid just wasn’t ready. But of
course, being diaper free was a requirement for preschool.
So much for that.
Sure, he was officially potty trained the week before class
started…but it was too late to get him signed up. So we opted to home school
him this year.
I was nervous. Jay and I have a TON on our plates any given
week. Could I manage MORE?
Well, I’m happy to say, we’re pulling it off. We bought
curriculum and Cameron loves it. And after each lesson, I’m feeling pretty
accomplished too.
I don’t plan on doing it for more then just this year, but I
can see the appeal. On top of everything, it’s extremely rewarding. Being the
person that helps light the bulb in their little minds is overwhelmingly
rewarding. I love it!
Maybe I should have been a teacher!
Kudos to all those home-schooling parents out there!