the kiddies

the kiddies

Saturday, December 22, 2012

3 more sleeps!

I'm doing my best to not let my kids being sick ruin the holiday spirit around this house.... But it's not working. Between washing puked on sheets and trying to break fevers, I'm losing sight of Christmas being just a few days away. So here's the plan to shake the bah humbug and restore the Santa excitement:

Gingerbread house decorating
Classic sugar cookies
Santa books
Christmas movies
Bing Crosby
Wine.... For me
Cinnamon candles

Hopefully, that does it!

Friday, December 21, 2012


I'll keep this short.

My heart aches for the families of the teachers and children
killed in last week's shooting.

As a Mother, I cannot even begin
to imagine what the Mother's of those children are feeling.

A very sick, bad man took their babies away.
And with it, he took away all of the dreams those
Mothers had for their babies.

He took away hugs.
He took away awkward kisses.
He took away holidays.
He took away sick days on the couch.
He took away varsity.
Grand children.

The list goes on.

The loved ones lost are in my heart and their families in my prayers.
I will hug my kids tighter for the Mothers that can't hug their's.

Things like this just shouldn't happen.

Will there be more?

I can't believe how interested people become in your plans to procreate after you get married. If I had a dollar for every time Jay and I were asked about our family plans... I wouldn't have student loans!

At first, I didn't mind it. I actually liked talking about my baby plans with everyone and anyone that would inquire. But now... Let's just stop.

Now it's weird.

I have 3 kids, 3 and under. I don't think anyone can say for certain that they'll have a 4th until they've mastered 3. Now sure, I feel like I've mastered 3 already (let's be frank, I am Super Mom after all), but I honestly don't know how to answer the ever concerning question of: will you have more children?

I love kids. I have been blessed with 3 beautiful, healthy, and thriving babies. But just because the hubs and I make some cute offspring doesn't mean we're shooting for TLC Duggar spinoff.

Maybe we will.

Maybe we won't.

For now, I am just going to soak up every moment I can with my 3 snot noses.

They are my world, and today I am content.

JP is 6 months!

My once little baby is little no more.
My 8 pound 8 ounce baby clocked in at a Van Campen record breaking
21 pounds 10 ounces.
And 28 inches long.

What the hell?
I got ripped off in babyland!
Every parent in the history of parenting has send and will continue to say how fast time goes by when you have children. They're not joking. As we crested the milestone of 6 months, I asked myself:
Have I hugged him enough?
Have I taken enough pictures?
Have I kissed his chubby cheeks enough?
Have I missed anything?

My baby is growing up so fast. He rolling over, reaching for toys, picking up those toys, babbling, laughing at his siblings, and changing everyday. He's moments away from crawling and really started to find his center of gravity, allowing him to sit up with being supported.

And as incredible as it is to watch him learn and succeed... This Mama is a little sad.

My baby is growing up so fast.

Bah humbug.

4 wardrobe changes.
3 sick children.
2 fevers over 100.
And a partridge is a pear tree.

Argh! Why, why, why?!?!

I haven't been this excited for Christmas since I was 6
and now my babies are sick.

Needles to say, operation kick-this-bug's-ass has officially been launched. This is JP's first cold which makes it all the more heartbreaking. No Mom enjoys sick children and multiplying it by 3 was not something I was prepared to do this early. I wonder if this is how drug dealers feel? I am literally running around my house with syringes of alternating Tylenol and Motrin, wiping noses, cleaning up puke, checking temps, and topping off sippy cups.

Screw you viral bug. May the surface you festered from burn in a hell of disinfectant.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Eva's 2 year UPDATE

Eva is TWO!
I love my boys to death,
but there's something special about
having a daughter.
AGE: 2 years
WEIGHT: 26 pounds
FAVORITES: babies, puppies, COLORING, and
anything glitter
She's such a girly-girl! Hopefully this sticks!
I love painting her nails and doing her hair.
I can remember thinking about what it would
be like to have a daughter while I was pregnant with her...
And I always imagined this little peanut, watching me
do my make-up and asking to put on lipstick.
Incredibly... that's the little girl I got!
She's always watching me get ready, and loves
getting her make-up done too.
Granted, it's only ever blush and chapstick...
but it's those special little moments I'll
hang on to forever.
I'm sure when the time comes to help her
get ready for her wedding, all I'll be able
to picture while she's finalizing her make-up
for her big day, is my little girl, slathering cherry
chapstick all over her lips and teeth.

Cameron's 3 year UPDATE

This couldn't be coming any later.
Cameron turned 3 in August of this year.
I can hardly believe my once baby boy is 3 years old!
I know everyone says this, especially once
they have kids...
but time flies.
AGE: 3 years
HEIGHT: 40 inches
WEIGHT: 40 pounds
FAVORITES: hockey, cars (more accurately: anything with wheels),
super heros and transformers
He is so incredibly smart. I love watching things click in his mind.
He's getting really good at letters and numbers. He'll count anything.
And he's gotten so creative! Coloring, painting, drawing....
his imagination is endless!
And watching him evolve into the big brother
role has been amazing. He loves his siblings.
I hope his little sister and baby brother know how good they have it
by having Cameron in their corner.