I was shopping at a local Target a few days ago when
I had a, for lack of a better word, "run-in" with a woman.
My husband and I work opposite shifts (long story short, if we
had all 3 kids in daycare, the monthly expense of
that would be more then our mortgage- so we've
done what we need to in order to go without daycare)
so I run lots of errands with my kids.
It's not easy being out numbered 3 to 1,
but I have really well behaved children and I'm confident
enough in myself to handle taking everyone out on my own.
That being said, the easiest way to get everyone from the truck,
into Target (especially in the snow), is to grab a cart from the parking lot,
load everyone up, and make our way in.
As you can imagine, having a 3 year old, 2 year old,
and 8 month old in a cart makes for a pretty full boat.
Now that I've set the seen...
I was walking in, cart full of babies, when a woman
walking in behind us said, "Wow, you really have your hands full!"
I smiled at her, and replied, "I sure do!"
She looked at each of them, looked at me, and then asked,
"Are they all yours?"
Being the proud mother that I am, I smiled at her again,
She shot back the most cross, dirty look, I've
ever received IN MY LIFE, said,
"Oh. Wow."
And walked off.
Now, this isn't the first time I've gotten a less
then ideal glance from someone when out with my kids
(never when my husband is with me though-only when I'm solo),
but this woman really got to me.
I'm 25. I look 25. My children are all close in age.
I know we can look a bit overwhelming.
But to judge me? To think less of me because I have 3 kids?
Is this how single mothers are treated when they're out with
their children? Would she have even noticed us had my husband been with?
I am not ashamed of any choices I've made in my life.
I'm incredibly proud of the person I've become, the decisions I've made,
and the life I've created for myself, my husband, and my family.
I'm not someone who brags about her life, but I've
done pretty damn good for myself.
I have an amazing, supportive (in all aspects) husband.
I have beautiful, healthy, happy children.
I have TWO college degrees.
I have a great job, in my field of study.
I own a home.
I have worked so hard to get where I am, and I let that
woman cut me down to nothing in a glance. I think maybe the
reason she got to me more then anyone else ever has
is because my family and I are in a really great place right now.
Shame on her.
Her judgment on others will come full circle someday.
I could hardly get my shopping done. I even went the other
direction when I saw her in the store. And here I am,
almost a week later, still bothered by her.
Never again will I let a stranger (or anyone for that matter)
make me feel less than, ever again.
I'm better then that, and better then her.