I love looking back at "old" photos of my kids, and Throw Back Thursday is as good of an excuse as any!
the kiddies

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
My Cancer SCARE.
The last couple of weeks have been more than crazy.
I certainly didn't see this emotional roller coaster coming, but all-in-all we survived.
Here's what went down...
Long story short, since having my third child, I've had some not-normal things going on.
In lieu of those things, I finally decided to see my doctor the week of February 10th.
After much discussion, she suggested I have some lab work done. No big deal.
By Valentine's Day all but one lab was back and everything was normal.
We went out of town that weekend and I totally forgot that I still had a lab test outstanding.
Fast forward to the next Tuesday.
After a game of phone tag, I was finally able to connect with my doctor.
She reviewed all of my lab work with me again, saving the "worst" for last.
My last lab left me with results no one saw coming.
Without getting into too much detail, the normal range for said lab is between 6 and 80.
Mine came back at 382.
My doctor didn't waste any time letting me know what the next steps would be.
Results THAT out of left field are most often seen in patient's with ovarian cancer.
That was tough to hear.
I'm 26 years old.
I have three little kids and a husband.
Cancer wasn't even on my radar.
I needed an ultrasound and additional labs right away.
So the very next morning, Wednesday, I was back at the clinic.
Looking back, I feel awful for the ultrasound tech because I was in no mood to
be chatty. She knew why I was there, and despite her best efforts, we spent most
of the ultrasound sitting in silence.
And don't even get me started on the lab tech who used a dull prison
shank to draw my blood. It was an awesome day.
On Thursday I was notified that my ultrasound was normal.
And on Friday she called again to tell me all the additional lab work was normal too.
Not knowing what to do next, my doctor decided to consult an
endocrinologist at a local, much larger, facility.
He recommended even MORE lab work, and repeating the lab that set all this off.
And again, the new lab work was normal.
And the real kicker....
Keep in mind, "normal" is between 6 and 80...
This time it came back at 25.
Yep. You read that right. 25.
I was FLOORED! And thankfully, my doctor was too.
Her and I were both speechless. She was convinced that the lab messed up somewhere
the first time. My husband and I were dragged through hell for days, for no reason.
As happy as I am that it was a false alarm, this kind of false alarm is inexcusable.
The worst part isn't even how emotionally taxing it was on me, but that
I have actually lost sleep worried about that woman.
And while the investigation as to what "might" have happened is still ongoing,
I pray everyday that there isn't someone else out there thinking everything is fine,
while a quiet cancer wreaks havoc..
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