The first half of the pregnancy went as perfectly as I could have hoped. Very little morning sickness. No hiccups in the road. Everything was smooth sailing. As we were anxiously approaching our first ultrasound at 20 weeks, I was pretty much convinced it was a boy. I don't know if I truly thought it was a boy, or if because I desperately wanted a son, I had convinced myself that baby was, in fact, a boy.
In early April we got the news I was hoping for, and at this point expected. BABY WAS A BOY!
We had only ever discussed boy names. And Cameron was always the front runner. As I said in a previous post, hockey is a
I liked Wyatt, Jay like Cameron, and Cameron Wyatt had a better ring to it then Wyatt Cameron.
So Cameron Wyatt it was.
The second half of my pregnancy went as perfectly as the first. Never was I uncomfortable, and the only reason I ever got desperate for labor was simply because I wanted to meet my son, not because I wanted the pregnancy to end.
Audrey (also pregnant with a boy) and I were due just a few days apart, so August was met with much anticipation by the entire family. Both sides of our family were getting their first grandsons/nephews and no one could hide their excitement.
On the morning of August 28, we got a phone call that Audrey's labor had started. I'll admit, I was, again, a little bit jealous, but knew our time was soon too. By that evening, our first nephew was here!
The next morning, my contractions started. Earlier then I had expected and not much to report, but they were there. Mild and every 10 minutes or so. This continued for the entire day. By that night they were 5 minutes apart, and we were given the go-ahead by the hospital to come in. At this point, I would say my pain was maybe a 3 on a scale of 1-10.
The nurse was able to pick up the contractions on the monitor, and I was 3 centimeters dilated. We decided to see what happened over the course of the next hour, and if I was making progress I would be admitted to labor and delivery.
An hour later there was no change. I was disappointed, but in my heart I think I was expecting it. So, we went home. I felt much more comfortable sleeping in my own bed for the night, and continuing to labor at home if the contractions were going to stay.
The next morning my contractions were practically gone. I couldn't believe it! The night before, I thought I was having a baby, and now I was no closer to his arrival. My husband, being just as anxious as I was, suggested we go for a walk to see if we could get things going again.
It actually worked! A few hours later we were back home, timing contractions. It was ANOTHER day full of them. By 11 p.m. on August 30th they were finally to the point were I couldn't talk through them. Or even walk for that matter. But there was no way I was going to let them send me home again, so I was going to labor as long as possible before going back to the hospital.
My persistence paid off, and around 2 a.m. my water broke. It was showtime!
We made our way back to the hospital, and were shocked to find out that I was already 7 centimeters! Once my water broke my pain was a 10. I wanted the epidural. I couldn't wait any longer. The nurse tried to inform me as kindly as she could, but it was just as upsetting either way... no one was around to perform an epidural. They had already called the on-call anesthesiologist, but it could be up to an hour before she arrived. I would have to endure it for at least that long.
When the anesthesiologist finally arrived, I would have jumped up and hugged her, had I not been in so much pain. To say I was happy to see her would be an understatement. I damn near cried from relief as she walked into the room.
Within a few minutes, I was resting comfortably. I was totally exhausted from the last two days, especially the last couple of hours, and in desperate need of a nap. And so was my husband. Before either of us got too settled in, the nurse wanted to check to see where I was at.
10 centimeters. After all that, when all I wanted to do was sleep, it was time to push. Jay and I were shocked! We had only been at the hospital for a couple hours! Thank goodness we hadn't waited at home any longer!
After 39 weeks of pregnancy and 40 minutes of pushing (give me a break, I was so tired!) our beautiful baby boy was born!
Cameron Wyatt
August 31st, 2009
5:09 a.m.
7 lbs 4 ozs
21.5 inches long
He was perfect in every way. Seeing him for the first time was better then I could have ever imagined! He looked so much like his Dad! The love that consumed me was indescribable. I never knew how much I loved my husband, until I saw him hold his son for the first time. Until I saw how much he loved his child.
We were changed forever.
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