the kiddies

the kiddies

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Potty training in a weekend, you say? IT CAN BE DONE!

Potty training. A necessary evil in toddler land. I dreaded it.
We tried. We failed. We gave up.

A few months later, it was time to revisit Mr. Frog Potty. This time, Mr. Frog and I were going in with guns blazing because it was time to say good bye to the diapers.

After getting myself pumped up for potty training (only a fellow parent can truly understand the personal pep-talk required for such a lifestyle change), and expecting a fight, Cameron was suddenly a WILLING participant.

It truly pays to wait until the child is ready.

Here are a few tips that helped us potty train in a weekend:

     1.)    Like I said, wait until they’re ready. Don’t just potty train because everyone else is doing it.
           Try, back off, and try again later if you have to. If they put up a fight, they’re not ready.

2.)    Get excited! Approach it positively. I honestly think Cameron picked up on and played off of our excitement in regards to potty training.

3.)    Some may disagree, but reward with praise and not treats. High fives and verbal confirmation for how proud you are, is far more valuable then three M&M’s.

4.)    Have a symbolic throwing away of the diapers. We literally had Cameron take his remaining diapers and put them in a garbage bag. (Which I later stashed away. I spent money on those darn things, and the heck if I was going to just throw them out!) We discussed why we were getting rid of them, and what he would be wearing instead…and we never looked back.

5.)    Take your child underwear shopping. We let Cameron pick out underwear he WANTED to wear. Thank you Pixar for putting Woody, Buzz, Mater, and McQueen on little boys’ underwear.

6.)    Put the potty in a public place. This might sound a bit weird…and possibly even gross, but it really helped us. We put Cameron’s frog potty chair in the living room, and hauled it upstairs for when he was playing in his room. It basically followed him all around the house until he really understood what it felt like to have to go potty, and learned a bit more control.

 This is all pretty basic stuff. Sure, it won’t work for everyone, but it’s worth a shot!

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