This has been weighing heavy on my mind for months.
I know, how terrible it must be to worry about something so minor,
but it feels like such a big change and commitment.
I can't decide if we should switch to cloth diapers, or stick to disposables.
I know of a few people who have recently cloth diapered their children
or who are currently cloth diapering, but I'm not close to any of them...
so it's hard to let their opinions play too big of a factor. Maybe if
it were more common in my area, it would seem more like a no-brainer.
But I honestly am on the fence.
1. Cost. Duh. In the long run, it would save us money.
Side note: We currently use Up & Up diapers, so disposable
diapers are about as inexpensive as it can get right now.
2. Cut down on garbage. Since we've had kids, our garbage
output is grotesque. Our garbage can is practically
overflowing by the time pick up rolls around each week!
We have TWO in diapers, so diapers make up a large part
of our weekly waste.
3. I should probably say "the chemicals and junk used to make disposables"
but I'm not losing sleep over it. Does that make me a bad Mom?
We used disposables on all three of our kids, and I don't "regret" it.
4. They are DAMN CUTE!
I've watched a boat load of Youtube videos on cloth diapering.
I totally get how Moms (& Dads) get addicted to buying cloth.
(See my hoarding baby products post: cloth diapering will likely lead to new addictions.)
1. My husband. He flip-flops... and I can't change up everything
without his support. One minute he's on board, the next
he's unsure. (Unsure? Must be something in our water.)
2. The upfront cost. If I do it right, I can build up a stash
without spending an incredible amount of money. BUT, it's
still going to be a couple hundred bucks...and that's a bit of a commitment.
3. Time. I know the act of changing the diapers really doesn't take
much more when using disposables vs. reusables. It's the
washing, washing, and drying I'm worried about. Because my husband and
I work opposites (let's face it, if our 3 kids were in daycare, it would cost us
more then our mortgage... and if I'm going to be spending
an additional mortgage payment a month on ANYTHING,
it better be lake-front), I already feel strapped for time each night. How will I
find the time for MORE laundry?!
I'm sure I could keep going, but that pretty much sums it up.
To cloth or not to cloth...that is the question.