the kiddies

the kiddies

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Recap.

We have had some terrible weather around here lately.
Minnesota is anything BUT predictable, and this winter has been no exception.
For example, it was below zero all of
last week, and in the middle thirties this week... can't we
just split the difference and hang out in the twenties?!
Is that too much to ask?!

Jay and I both had a working Sunday, so there's very little to report
from Sunday. I could go into great detail about cleaning my kitchen
and the 3,786 times I picked up my son's train track.

Side note: this is EXACTLY how I feel most days in regards to
cleaning my house.

Anyway... Saturday.

There were errands to run (which I PASSIONATELY hate
doing on the weekends), but we managed to make
Saturday as much about family as possible.
Cabin fever is setting in, but we braved the elements (I think it
was 19 or so degrees out- nothing life threatening) and
made our way outside for some fresh air.

I LOVE that hat Eva's wearing! She got it for Christmas from my parents.
It's a giraffe! How cute?!

Then, in true cold weather style, we had soup for lunch to
help warm everyone back up.

Spoons are for fools.

And here's a little JP goodness!

I could seriously kiss his face off! He's so damn cute!


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