I think we've been incredibly lucky with how healthy our kids are.
We've had very few aliments requiring antibiotics, and in the rare case
that one of our kids is sick, each of them has done a great job at
fighting it off on their own (we tend to be minimalist when it comes
to intervention, but that's another post for another day).
That being said, I definitely was not prepared when all 3 kids
woke up sick Saturday morning. This was the first time Cam, Eva,
and JP had been sick at the same time. JP's FIRST
ever sickness to be exact. It appeared to be upper
respiratory, but nonetheless, no one was feeling there best.
Sunday didn't prove to be much better. JP seemed so miserable
that we even took him to Urgent Care. Trips to UC are damn near
unheard of in this house, but my gut told me to have him looked at.
Sure enough, he's got a pretty nasty ear infection.
I feel so bad for my little baby bear, but I think making it
to his 10 month birthday before ever having to deal
with antibiotics is something to brag about!
10 days of amoxicillin, which I'm sure will result
in 10+ days of diarrhea (if you have kids, you know what I'm talking about).
But if helps my babers, it will all have been worth it.
And with sick three kids, I did what any Mom would do...
Took advantage of all the extra snuggles!