I got this Tag from YouTube. It was originally created by BabyBellyKelli.
If you don't want to know, don't read my answers.
But if you know, it's likely you already know where I stand.
Without elaborating on any topics, here goes...
Democrat or Republican?
Did you vote? BE HONEST, and if so who did you vote for?
Yes, Obama. Twice.
Pro-Gay, or Anti-Gay?
Pro-Gay, or Anti-Gay?
Pro-Life, or Pro-Choice?
Pro-Life, or Pro-Choice?
For or against vaccinations?
For or against vaccinations?
Sugar before the age of 1?
Sugar before the age of 1?
I think all of my children had a few bites of
ice cream before their first birthdays.
By no means would I go crazy with it,
but a couple bites is harmless.
TV before the age of 1?
TV before the age of 1?
If JP appears interested in something
Cam and Eva are watching, I'm not going to rush
him out of the room.
Cloth diapers, disposables, or both?
Cloth diapers, disposables, or both?
Both. Cloth all day, disposables at night.
Circumcisions, yes or no?
Circumcisions, yes or no?
Homeschool, public schools, or private schools?
Homeschool, public schools, or private schools?
On the fence.
We'll see where we end up with it's time
to get serious, but it will either be home or public.
Spanking, or no spanking?
Spanking, or no spanking?
No spanking.
Cursing in front of your children, ok or not ok?
Cursing in front of your children, ok or not ok?
Not ok. But I know I've slipped.
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in God?
CIO (cry it out method) yes or no?
CIO (cry it out method) yes or no?
Depends on the situation, but yes.
Organic, or non-organic?
Organic, or non-organic?
We buy both.
Fast food for kids?
Fast food for kids?
No. But again, it has
happened in our house.
Do you agree with co-sleeping?
Do you agree with co-sleeping?
Breast or formula?
Breast or formula?
Both. I think all Moms should at
least TRY breast. Where they end up,
is up to them.
Natural birth, or epidural?
Natural birth, or epidural?
I've done both. But if given the choice,
I would probably go with another epidural.
Rear facing until 1, or 2?
Rear facing until 1, or 2?
We have refaced for as long as the child
appears comfortable.
Name brand, or off brands?
Name brand, or off brands?
Hand-me-downs or brand new?
Hand-me-downs or brand new?
Love hand-me-downs, but love
to by new for special occasions.
Pop, or water, for you and for your kids?
Pop, or water, for you and for your kids?
Water for my kids.
My husband and I drink a lot of water,
but we occasionally drink pop too.
Ok dating age?
Ok dating age?
Never. Ha! 16, I guess.
Do you consume alcohol, and if so how much?
Do you consume alcohol, and if so how much?
Rarely. Maybe 2 drinks a month.
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