the kiddies

the kiddies

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Freedom to Marry- Minnesota

Three weeks ago, something incredibly historical
happened in this great state.
It started in the House of Representatives, before making
it's way to the Senate.
3 days later, it was the Senate's turn to make history.
I was glued to my computer for hours watching the debate
go back and worth. Why we should pass it, why we shouldn't, etc.

And then it happened.
The Senators stared the voting process...
It passed.

I cried. I have gay friends and family members, and I
couldn't help but sob in excitement for them.
I've never been more proud to be a Minnesotan!
The very next day, the Governor signed it into law.
As of August 1st, everyone has the right to marry and have
their marriage recognized in the state of Minnesota.
Go us!

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