the kiddies

the kiddies

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Garden veggies!

Since us Minnesotans are finally able to enjoy
some warmer weather (as I write this, it's only actually
57 degrees out, which is actually WAY below normal), I was
able to get some things planted.
I grew up on a poultry farm (there's a post I should write!),
and my mom always had a HUGE garden.
Because helping in the garden was always such a
big part of each of our summers, I've always wanted
to plant something more then flowers at my own house.
I decided I'd start small, since I don't exactly have the green thumb
my mother does.
We currently have Roma tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos,
and sweet peppers growing! I'm happy to say, a month after getting
them planted, they look great!
Maybe this gardening think isn't as intimidating as I once thought!

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