the kiddies

the kiddies

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Who are you to judge?!

I need to rant.
I promise to keep this blog positive 95% of the time.
But today is a 5% kind of day.
I've been seeing a lot of posts on Facebook lately questioning/judging
the choices parents make for their children... posted by people WITHOUT kids.
I'll be the first to admit, before I had children, I thought I knew
a thing or two about kids and what they need.
HA! I had no idea.
And I have to say, I'm really tired of people without kids, thinking
they know a damn thing about what kids need, or what it mean to be a parent.
One post said: "Just saw a Mom carrying her baby into the store and he
didn't have socks or shoes on! What the hell?
Shouldn't he have something on his feet?!"
Before you go off judging a mother of a barefooted baby,
let me clue you...
Shoes rarely stay on baby feet. In fact, having raised three babies,
I'm pretty sure baby feet were never meant for shoes.
And further more, babies LIVE to pull their socks off. And you want to know
what happens to socks once a baby gets them in their hands? They put them
in their mouths. And within about 7 seconds, those socks are soaked in drool.
But you're right, that terrible Mother should have put the soaking
wet socks back on her son's feet and then stuffed those wet feet back
into the shoes she'll likely lose at the store when the baby kicks them off
for the 487th time.
Or the most recent post: "Just saw a kid have a complete melt down at the store.
Since when did parents stop disciplining their children in public?"
Wow. You're so obviously NOT a parent, that your post was
almost painful to read.
As any parent quickly learns, you're wrong if you do
and wrong if you don't. There will always be someone who will
judge you, no matter how to handle the tantrum.
Would you have been happier if the parent would have screamed
or spanked the child, right there in the middle of the store?! Get real.
Sometimes, you just have to let the child have their moment.
You can't calmly speak your way out of very flip out.
God forbid we just go on with our shopping trip and not acknowledge the
behavior at all. Did you ever think that maybe if the child
sees that shouting and crying doesn't get a reaction from Mom or Dad, they'll
give up the act?! Worked with my kids.

The person who made that post went on to say that this child was "obviously
old enough to know better."

I'm sorry, but that fact that you think the age of "knowing better"
actually existing, proves that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I'll I'm saying is, if you don't know what you're talking about and
don't have any first-hand experience, shut your damn mouth.

No parent is perfect, and when your time comes,
you certainly won't be either.

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