the kiddies

the kiddies

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We are at WAR.

We are at war people!

The battle lines have been drawn and the stakes are high.
Each and every time we think we have the enemy in check, backed into
a corner with no way out, they muscle their way through!

We can't back down. We can't walk away.
The anarchy that would follow is unimaginable. 

No matter how hard we fight, the battle never ends.
We are gridlocked and we can't catch a break!

This is not a new war. 
This war was fought by our mothers (and fathers) before us. 

There are no new tactics and no battle plans left untried.

But we march on...
We continue to fight because it's all that we know.

The war is at your doorstep and in your home too.

The war on...


I don't even know where to start when it comes to laundry.

There was once a simpler time. When it was just me and my husband, the laundry
wasn't even an issue. A couple of loads a week, no big deal. Throw in 3 kids
and the situation has gotten out of control. I hold on to the memories of what once
was when I'm up to my eyeballs in footed pajamas and toddler t-shirts.

I can wash, dry, and fold a load every
single day and STILL not stay ahead of the game.

My washing machine, Lolita, and I are on a first name basis these days.

No one warned me about all of the laundry that comes with a kid!
Clothes, blankets, bedding, towels... WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WARN ME?!

I'm here today to admit my defeat! I can't keep up the fight!
As long as everyone has something clean to wear
each day, I'm not going to worry about how many baskets of dirty clothes need attention.
The baskets aren't going anywhere and lets face it, as soon as I empty one,
my 3 monsters (4, because my husband fits the profile too) fill it back up.

I have lost the war.

Alright, alright. In all seriousness, if this is the worst part of our days,
we have it pretty good. And I wouldn't trade any of my babies or my husband
for a few less loads of laundry a week.

But I'd be lying if I said the three baskets that need to be folded and 
the two that need to be washed weren't stressing me out just a little bit...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Slightly Sensitive 4 Year Old.

Time for another Cameron-does-the-sweetest-things segment!

Preface: We are Netflix obsessed in this house. We almost NEVER watch
anything on regular cable. That being said, my husband came across a show
called Flash Point. I have no idea if it's on/was on in the states, but it's based in Canada.
Long story short, it's a police drama that my whole house now likes.

Before you start lecturing me about age appropriate television for my children,
I will say, that they don't watch this alone, and the writers have done a great job
keeping it family friendly.

Blah, blah, blah... get to it, right?!

So anyway, Flash Point has sort of made it's way into our nightly routine as of late.

After potty breaks, clean diapers, brushing teeth, pajamas, and bedtime snacks,
we usually migrate to the sofa for the next episode.

A few nights ago, the story line revolved around a birth couple abducting
their biological child from the child's adoptive parents. There's a few tense moments, 
but in the end, the police recover the baby and return him to his parents, unharmed.

At this point, Eva and JP are asleep, and it's just me and Cam hanging in there for the ending.
I just happened to glance over at Cameron at the moment the baby is brought home,
and he's got TEARS IN HIS EYES. 

Me (slightly panicked): "Cam? What's wrong?"
Cam (starting to cry): "I was just so worried about that baby, Mom."

It was so sweet! I went on to explain that it's just a show, but the baby made
it home just fine... that there was nothing for him to worry about.

We quickly decided to call it a night, and I walked him upstairs to tuck him in.
Just as I thought the baby worries had passed...

Cam: "I need to talk to you."
Me: "Okay. What's up?"
Cam: "If we get another baby, are bad guys going to try and take
him from us? Like the show?"

I was already regretting letting him watch it, and now I felt even worse.
Thankfully after reassuring him that no one would come in our home and
try to take any future babies from us, he fell asleep without issue.

And yes, he's still asking us to "get" another baby.

His sensitivity and concern was so sweet though! I'll be totally honest, 
he's not always the nicest brother and the kids have their scuffles, but at the
end of the day, he really does have a gentle heart. 

And I love him all the more for it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Are you there?

Well, hello!
Where the heck have ya' been?!

Just kidding. 
It was me who disappeared. Kind of my thing. ;)

I'm SO bummed that I didn't finish BLOGMAS! I had some really
exciting blogs planned... but I totally under estimated how busy we would be.

Christmas party. Christmas party. Christmas party. My birthday. New Year's. The FLU.
Yeah. We had the flu. It was awesome.

All-in-all, it was a pretty good couple of weeks.
Even with the body aches and cold sweats.

Here's a little holiday photo recap.

And possibly my favorite part of the holiday, our gingerbread house! Hurricane edition!

And this is about as good as it gets when making Christmas cookies
with toddlers. But I think they're perfect.