the kiddies

the kiddies

Friday, December 20, 2013

JP's 18 Month Update


Age: 18 months

Stats: 33 pounds, not sure on his height

Clothes: 3T shirts and 2T pants

Favorite Foods: He used to be the kid that would eat anything. But recently
 he's become such a picky eater. He still loves bananas, but any other
fruit is a struggle. Carrots go over pretty well for the most part,
but if given the choice of a peanut butter sandwich over ANYTHING else,
he'll pick the pb.

Words: He's latched on to "no", like most kids do at this age.
I can't say I'm hugely fond of that, but oh well. Mama, Dada, car,
go, no, down, you, mine... his vocabulary is growing every day! 

Signature Moves: He really is the sweetest kid! I love his little hugs and kisses!
I'll be holding on to the memories of his affection dearly because I don't
doubt that there will come a time where he won't be so lovey-dovey.
with everyone.

Mommy's MOST PROUD Moment: The first time he saw the Christmas tree
light up, you could see the magic in his eyes. He kept walking around it saying,
"Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow." It was adorable.

Blogmas Day 19: The Santa Struggle

I love this time of year. I love the tree, and the decorations, and the lights.
I love the music and the movies. I love the colors and the excitement.
And I really love the seasonal ho-ho mochas at Caribou.

But with the constant questions from my 4 year old and 3 year old
about when Santa will arrive and if he's done making their gifts and if they can
leave treats out each night in hopes that he'll come early...
I'm starting to question if the whole Santa thing has already become
too much of a focal point of their holiday...
And I'm suddenly being faced with an unexpected Santa struggle.

First of all, and most selfishly, my husband and I work hard to give our children the things
they want (and the things they need), so to share credit or giving credit to a made-up
man in a red suit doesn't sit well with me (and YES, I know his character is
TECHNICALLY based on that of a Saint, but who has become over time is
completely mythical). And I know the Santa phase is short lived, and belief in him is
completely innocent, but nonetheless, is belief in him necessary? 

Can my kids do without him?

It's too late to make any drastic changes this year, but I've got some ideas for next year...

I don't mind the story of Santa, and like I said, I like all the movies and songs
that have over time come with the territory. And at no point would I discourage
any sort of belief in him, but I want to restructure how he's viewed, in OUR house.

For instance, I think next year Santa will only deliver gifts to children in need. And my
children can help participate in his mission by donating gifts or getting involved in activities
that give back to our community. Maybe as a thank you for their service, Santa will make a 
quick stop at our house to fill up their stockings (because let's face it, stocking stuffers are
the more fun to shop for then anything else).

And instead of celebrating Santa's deliveries on Christmas morning, maybe
we can have a small birthday breakfast to help facilitate recognition for what 
Christmas Day REALLY is, a celebratory day of the birth and life of Jesus Christ. 
I'm not going to go all Bible-banger on you, but
it's become increasingly more important to me over the years to be true to holiday.

I would never judge parents or families for how they portray Santa Clause
and Christmas because, like all things, I truly believe there is room for interpretation. 
I'm just not sure where I stand anymore.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blogmas Day 18: Mistletoes!

I've seen this DIY all over Pinterest and I had to try it with my kids.

It was so easy and the kids had so much fun,
we had to make extra copies for grandparents!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday SURVIVAL Guide

Let's be honest for a minute, as fun and exciting as
the holiday season can be, it can be easily be just as stressful.

We want everything to be perfect.
We bust our butts getting things in order.

And we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to give the people around us the best holiday possible.

I'm totally guilty of letting the little things this time of year upset me when they shouldn't.
So here's my top 5 things to keep in mind so I don't totally lose my shit 
lose my sanity this time of year.


Or anything for that matter. Perfection isn't real. Perfection isn't attainable.
This year, I'm not going to obsess over the tree topper that won't stand up straight,
or keeping my house in un-lived in condition. The wonky tree and (sometimes) messy house
are as much a part of our holiday as anything else. Embrace the imperfections of life.

Let other's help with the coordinating, cooking, and preparation of get together's.
We can't do everything AND have a chance to enjoy our hard work.
Working together for the common good will get us further.

This time of year is the (closest to) perfect time to come together
and leave the past behind us. Let go of old grudges and stop being so hard on 
each other. Each day is a new chance to do better. Let people have their chance.

And I'm not talking about chocolate covered cherries (yum-o)!
Some people are just going to get on our nerves. It is what it is. 
If you can't be accepting, be moderate. Don't purposely put yourself in unpleasant situations.

When all is said and done, you deserve a chance to relax and decompress
from all of the activities. And I won't judge you if you crack into it a little early. 

Monday, December 16, 2013


With the hustle and bustle of next week...

I just wanted to take a second and wish everyone a 
happy holiday season and a happy, healthy 2014!

Also, thank you so much for reading my little blog!
Your messages and comments are so encouraging, thank you all so much!

From my house to your's, have a safe and happy holiday!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blogmas Day 15: SLEDDING

It's easy to develop cabin fever during the winter months in Minnesota,
so we do our best to take advantage of the "warmer" days.

Yesterday was practically a heatwave at 19 degrees, 
and with the warm sun, it was the perfect day to go sledding!


It wouldn't be the holiday season without
stuffing my house full of peppermint products.

I LOVE peppermint 365 days a year, but I go a little crazy in December!

Bath and Body Works: Twisted PEPPERMINT Candle

Theo's Dark Chocolate PEPPERMINT Stick

ChapStick Candy Cane

Philosophy: PEPPERMINT Stick Bubble Bath

Coffee-Mate: PEPPERMINT Mocha


Soap and Glory: Great Kisser in PEPPERMINT

Josie Maran PEPPERMINT nail wipes

Blogmas Day 13: Cameron's Holiday Program

Last night was Cameron's first Holiday Program for preschool
and I have to just come right out and say it, I'm so proud of him!

He sang so well!

Yes...there were tears on my part. But I can't help myself.
All of these firsts pull at my heart strings.
My first born babe is growing up so fast!

His class learned 13 songs in preparation
and the whole thing was so much more than I expected.

Half way through the show, JP noticed his brother up on stage
and it couldn't have been more adorable! 
JP started jabbering... Cameron heard him... 
and they waved at each other (and I teared up again)!
After the show, Eva gave Cameron a hug, and told him he did a good job.
UGH! These kids are too much! They have so much love for each other.

All-in-all, this family had an amazing night.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Blogmas Day 12: JINGLE BELL TAG!

Yesterday was such a busy day!
And subsequently, I didn't get a post up for BLOGMAS.
Instead of calling BLOGMAS a failure though, I'm going to double post today.
Hope you don't mind!

Some blogger friends of mine put together a holiday themed tag, and I couldn't resist!


1. What is your favorite/least favorite childhood holiday traditions?
Favorite: The annual Christmas Eve drive around town to look at all 
the lights and decorations.
Least Favorite: Truthfully, nothing comes to mind.

2. What's your favorite holiday tradition(s) that you've started
as an adult in your own family?
(Side note: I still feel weird calling myself an adult, even though I have 3 kids...)
I hope we can always keep Christmas Eve as our time to celebrate
the holiday with just our kids.

3. When do you put the tree up and start playing holiday music?
The day after Thanksgiving, without fail.

4. What are you asking Santa to leave for you under the tree and
in your stocking this year?
Corny answer alert: I really have everything I need and could have asked for.
BUT... just in case... Santa could leave the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette.
I wouldn't complain. ;)

5. What was your favorite holiday gift you received as a child?
My first mp3 player. BEFORE Apple did the ipod thing.
Coolest kid on the block.

6. How do you give back during the holidays?
With my kids being as little as they are, we've stuck to
donating to Toys For Tots, but I'm hoping as they get older we can
volunteer somewhere as a family.

7. What is your favorite holiday movie?
I can't pick just one!
Christmas Vacation (shocker!)
While You Were Sleeping
The Family Stone

8. Fill in the blank: "It wouldn't be the holidays without ______."
Stuffing my house will peppermint goodies!

Check out some other blogs in on the tag!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

3 Ingredient Banana Bread

If you haven't tried this recipe yet, you have no
idea what you're missing!
totally nailed it on this one.

This really is the perfect solution to overripe bananas,
and you need hardly any time to prepare it.
Which is exactly why it's what we're bringing to my son's
preschool Holiday program tomorrow night.
While everyone else brings cookies and bars,
I plan on knocking it out of the park with this recipe.
I'm serious. It's THAT good.

1 box yellow cake mix
2 eggs
3-4 overripe bananas
(Chocolate chips are totally optional...
but totally necessary in this house.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Smash bananas with a fork or blend in the food processor.
Combine bananas with the eggs and cake mix.
Mix until smooth.
At this point, you can add pretty much anything.
Chocolate chips, cherries, blueberries...
anything that your family likes.
OR leave it as is! It's still going to be awesome.
I always divide the mixture between two small loaf pans,
after spraying with non-stick spray.
Bake for 35 minutes, give or take.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

25 Days of (children's) Christmas (books)

For BLOGMAS Day 10, I opted to share a list
of my family's favorite Christmas books (in no particular order).
I'm sure I've missed some classics, but our collection always has room for more.

1.       How the Grinch Stole Christmas By Dr. Seuss

2.       The Polar Express By Chris Van Allsburg

3.       God Gave Us Christmas By Lisa Tawn Bergren

4.       Merry Christmas, Curious George By Mary O’Keefe Young

5.       Carl’s Christmas By Alexandra Day

6.       ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Charles Reasoner

7.       The Nutcracker By Susan Jeffers

8.       A Wish to be a Christmas Tree By Colleen Monroe

9.       Merry Christmas Mom and Dad By Mercer Mayer

10.   Splendiferous Christmas By Jane O’Connor

11.   Bear Stays Up for Christmas By Karma Wilson

12.   The Night Before Christmas By Rachel Isadora

13.   The Berenstain Bears and the Joy of Giving By Jan and Mike Berenstain

14.   Olivia Helps with Christmas By Ian Falconer

15.   The Nightmare Before Christmas By Tim Burton

16.   Snowmen at Christmas By Caralyn Buehner

17.   Santa Mouse By Michael Brown

18.   Olive, the Other Reindeer By Vivian Walsh

19.   The Baker’s Dozen: A Saint Nicholas Tale By Aaron Shepard

20.   Llama Llama Holiday Drama By Anna Dewdney

21.   The Little Christmas Elf By Nikki Shannon Smith

22.   An Otis Christmas By Loren Long

23.   Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer By Robert Lewis May

24.   Frosty the Snowman By Diane Muldrow

25.   A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens

Monday, December 9, 2013

BLOGMAS DAY 9: Favorite Ornaments

Happy Blogmas Day #9! I'm actually really proud of myself for making it this far! The days are hectic, but I'm glad to be making time for this blog.

Today's topic... My favorite Christmas tree ornaments! And it's full of firsts...

My amazing husband (then boyfriend) surprised me with this ornament way back in the day (Okay, 2007. Ya caught me.), and I still love it!

I just love the little pacifier in the baby's mouth!

This couldn't be cuter! Which is more than fitting for my only daughter...

And JP's elephant rounds out the favorite firsts ornament category.

And arguably the BEST ornament on the entire tree...

Like I said in a previous post, Jack plays a big role in our Christmas!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blogmas Day 8: Holiday Boil

It's beginning to SMELL a lot like CHRISTMAS!

Seriously, this recipe smells so good!

Holiday Boil

4 cups water
1 orange slice
1 lemon slice
1 heaping cup of cranberries
4 bay leaves
2 tbps whole cloves
4 cinnamon sticks

Bring to a simmer and let the aromas fill your house.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Blogmas Day 7: HOLIDAY Sangria

I spent a good portion of today sipping on this sangria... And I have no shame. 
It was well deserved!

Holiday Sangria

1 Granny Smith apple, chopped
1 Braeburn Apple, chopped
1 cup cranberries
1 sprig rosemary
1 cup white grape juice
1 cup club soda
1/4 cup sugar
1 bottle champagne

Combine all ingredients into a large pitcher.

Stir to dissolve sugar.

Drink and enjoy!

Friday, December 6, 2013

BLOGMAS Day 6: Holiday Traditions

Now that I have children, it's incredibly
important to me to build traditions for our holidays.
And I want those traditions to center around family, love, and faith.
Not gifts.

The Christmas season doesn't start in our house until the day 
after Thanksgiving. You will NEVER find a Christmas tree in my
living room any sooner. Every holiday deserves it's turn and Thanksgiving
is no different.

Anyway, the Friday after Thanksgiving is all about decorating.
And since this changes from year to year, it's an all day event.
Dinner goes into the crock pot and we get started.

Christmas tree decorating can ONLY be done with 
The Nightmare Before Christmas in the DVD player.
This is a key piece of the day.

That evening we always head downtown for a holiday event that
takes place in our town every year. We haven't missed one yet and don't plan to.
Hello? REAL reindeer and penguins?! Done.

Christmas Eve is for our family only. We have been lucky enough
to not have either side of the family plan a get together for Christmas Eve yet,
and I think as this point, if they did, we would skip it. It's OUR night with OUR kids.
And it's always a surf and turf dinner grilled by my amazing husband.

When it comes to gifts, we saw something on Pinterest once
that makes perfect sense for our family, and we've stuck to it for years now.

Our kids, from us, on Christmas Eve, get:

One thing they NEED.
One thing they WANT.
One thing they WEAR.
One thing they READ.

The NEED so far has always been new pajamas.
The WEAR so far has always been a new outfit for Christmas parties.
The READ is pretty self explanatory, except this year everyone is getting
as age appropriate art kit of some kind.
And the WANT so far has always been a new toy.

It makes shopping easier on us and we don't over buy. IT'S PERFECT.

They also get a group gift filled with snacks and a new Christmas movie.
Bet you can't guess how we end our Christmas Eve each year?

And on Christmas morning they wake up to stocking filled to the brim
from Santa and their "big" gift for the year (that guy gets all the credit).

Cameron has been hoping Santa brings him a remote control race car for weeks.
I can't wait to see the look on his face...


BLOGMAS Day 5: Christmas Decor

I'm still tweaking our holiday decor, but I thought
I would give a little sneak-peak of things so far.

The truth is, I'll spend the rest of the month picking up Christmas
decorations that catch me eye, and as soon as I get things the way I 
want, it will be time to take it all down.
Happens. Every. Year.

My taste and vision changes every December.
It is what it is and I know I can't be the only person that does that.

I love how simple and classic my front door is!

And I'd die for this garland. I just need to figure out how
to make them on my own because this was not cheap.

These trees aren't my favorite, but my daughter took one look
at them and refused to let me put them away.
She's a big fan of anything that sparkles.

And the piece de resistance... the tree!
I let Cameron and Eva decorate is this year
(all while biting my lip to fight off my inner control freak),
and I'm happy to say, they did a great job!


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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I love DIY gifts!
I feel like I put in more thought,
time, and effort in DIY projects and gifts,
and hopefully that's something my recipients can appreciate.
I recently made a candy cane sugar scrub and
it's TOO GOOD not to share.
This was SO easy, it smells SO amazing,
and it feels SUPER luxurious.
You'll need...
I'll admit, in the small town I live in,
almond oil and peppermint essential oil weren't
exactly the simplest things to find,
and they're not the cheapest products ever...
but they're worth every penny.
2 cups granulated sugar
1/3 cup sweet almond oil
peppermint essential oil
red food coloring
Start by combining the sugar and almond oil.
(Be patient! This will take a LOT of stirring
to combine the two evenly.)
I only added enough to make the sugar feel moist,
but not wet.
Next, add a few drops of peppermint essential oil.
 Only add 2 or 3 drops at a time (mixing evenly
before adding more). Peppermint is an incredibly
strong scent, so it won't take much. Keep adding drops
until you've reached a strength in scent that you're happy with.
Next, divide the mixture into two bowls.
One bowl with be left white and the other bowl will be red.
Add a few drops of red food coloring.
You're going to need your patience for this step too.
The food coloring will initially seem clumpy and spotty,
but the more you stir and smooth it out, the more even the
coloring will become.

As a reference, I only added 3 drops of red food coloring.
Next time, I would definitely add a couple more, so it's less pink
and more red.
The final step is to find a fun, pretty jar (I simply
cleaned out and old Bath and Body Works candle) to
store it in.
I layered the sugar scrub, alternating colors, and pressing
firmly between each to achieve the candy-cane-like strips.

Eva's 3 Year Update

My daughter is 3.
I can't believe we're HERE already!

Height: 3'2"

Weight: 33.5 lbs
(She's only got one pound on JP!)

Milestones: She really can be incredibly sweet... But she can
match that with an attitude like you've never seen.
She's got sass for days and now that we're potty training, she's using that
sass to test my every nerve. Potty training was SO easy with Cameron
so it's only fitting that it be such a challenge this go around.

Proudest Moment: She is a little Mommy at heart.
She LOVES to pretend that she's JP's Mommy and in her world,
his only name is "Sweetie".

"Aw... Come here, Sweetie!"

"It's okay, Sweetie. I'll help you!"

It's sickly adorable.

Despite the sass and the stubborn, she is such a blessing!
We love her so much and I can't wait to continue to watch her
grow and evolve into a young lady.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Blogmas Day #2: SNOW!

We had our first real snow fall today!
And despite no one feeling the greatest, it did us
all some good to get outside and soak up some fresh air.
There's something about the first snow fall that has a way of
making the worries of the world seem lighter.
Was that disgustingly poetic?
Anyway, we took full advantage of the fresh blanket
of white coating the backyard.
Eva, hamming it up.

JP and his first real snow experience.

Mr. Cameron.

And shockingly enough, a decent picture of ALL THREE KIDS!
I'm kind of impressed with my photography skills right now.

BLOG-MAS announcement!

I popped on blogger to post day #2, when I noticed
I never even published day #1. Loser!
Luckily it was just a short and sweet announcement.
So, without further ado...
I will be participating in BLOGMAS this month!
(Or at least trying to.)
So stay tuned for daily posts during the month of December!
And if not...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sweater Weather Tag.

I found this tag in the vlog world, but thought it would translate
well for a blog too. So here goes...


1. Favorite Candle Scent?

2. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?
If I had to pick just ONE, it would be coffee.

3. Best Fall Memory?
My wedding! We got married on October 10, 2008 and it
was the PERFECT fall day.

4. Fall Make-up Trends: Dark lips or Winged eye-liner?
Dark lips. Red and Cranberry.

5. Best Fall Fragrance?
I don't wear perfume. All of my babies had really
sensitive skin, and all of my perfumes would make them break out.
And since there's no fragrance in the world worth giving up the baby snuggles
for, I gave up on perfumes.

6. Favorite Thanksgiving Food?
Um... all of it. But mostly my husband's cheesecake.
Oh. My. Delish.

7. What is Autumn weather like where you live?
Ha. Here in the midwest, things change from day to day.
So far this fall, we've had warm weather, cold weather, rain, and snow.
Go Minnesota.

8. Most Worn Sweater?
I LOVE cardigans. My current favorite is this one from Target.

9. Must have Nail Polish for the Fall?
Wicked and Don't Sweater It by Essie

10. Favorite Football Team?
Have any of ya'll seen the Vikings? Ick.

11. Skinny Jeans or Leggings?
Leggings with a LONG sweater or top.
Ladies, please make sure your top is long enough to cover your business
when wearing leggings. Not flattering otherwise.

12. Combat Boots or Uggs?
Not to sound super lame, but combat boots just aren't
practical for my life. Uggs {FOR THE WIN}.

13. Is the Pumpkin Spice Latte worth the hype?
Truthfully, no. I look forward to it every year, but I can't drink
it without a shot of vanilla anymore. I'm either burned out on it, or
Pumpkin Spice just isn't as good anymore.

14. Favorite Fall TV Show:
Shoot... I'm going to sound like I watch a lot of TV but, I only
have 3 shows I'm currently obsessing over. Sons of Anarchy,
Grey's Anatomy, and Scandal.

15. Favorite Fall music?
I don't know if there's such thing as "fall music" but
I will admit to sneaking in a few Christmas songs here and there.

And that's it! I tag ALL OF YOU. Leave a comment or link your tag post.
What are your sweater weather favorites?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What's in my diaper bag?

At the risk of sounding like a total creep... I'm always curious
about what women carry in their purses and diaper bags (Disclaimer:
I would NOT secretly rummage through someone's bag...that would be weird). I LOVE
bags of all kinds, and seeing how people pack them, and what they carry
with them is like getting a little glimpse into the chaos we all call life.
So here's mine...

I have had SO many diaper bags over the years.
Large bags.
Small bags.
Designer bags.
Bags from Target.
I just can't seem to find one that's perfect... but I am enjoying
testing out all sorts of options. :)
This is what I'm currently carrying.
Oh yes, the baby doll my daughter demands to take with us no matter where we go.
She's had more than one close call of being left behind, never to be found again...
As I've said 6,744 times, we live in Minnesota. And it's getting damn cold here.
So hats are a necessity.
In the exterior pockets I have a plethora of first aid items.
Calms Forte. Hand sanitizer. Lip balm. Sun screen. Ibuprofen.
Hydrocortisone cream. Orajel. Band-aids. And most importantly, a stray mint.
Moving to the inside compartments....
It has several pockets, so for now, it's as functional as I need it to be.
We cloth diaper at home, but have continued to use disposables
when we're out of the house. My oldest has been potty trained for well
over a year and never had an accident...and yet I still carry extra underwear.
YOU KNOW the second I take it out, he'll have an accident.
I also managed to find a hair tie, a random spider ring from Halloween, and
a swaddle blanket. My youngest is 17 months old and long past
being swaddled, I just can't part with it.
Disposable plastic bags for major messes, socks that probably don't
fit anyone anymore, lotion, butt paste, a comb, and more hair ties...
(I did not clean it first for the purpose of this post.)
I'm a sucker for things in travel sizes. I'm actually kind-of ashamed of it.
I have enough mini, travel-sized toiletries for my family to get by on for
at least a year (I should probably have that diagnosed).
Wipes, wipes, wipes and wipes.
Those BoogieWipes, while a total luxury item, have become something
this household cannot live without.
And arguably the most important pocket: SNACKS.
AKA: Bribery tools. Yes, I've bribed a child
with fruit snacks or dehydrated pea pods. It had to be done.
And that's it! My diaper bag!
Not quite as exciting as I thought, but that's what I carry with me
for standard outings.