the kiddies

the kiddies

Friday, July 11, 2014


Holy smokes. 
Where have the last two years gone?!

Age: 2 years

Stats: Um... big and tall?! He's 37 pounds, and
I don't have the specifics on his height.

Clothes: 4T shirts and 3T shorts/pants

Favorites: He's all peanut butter, all the time. For the most part, he's a really
great eater, but if given the choice, he'll just take a peanut butter sandwich
and banana, please. He loves super heros and Woody from Toy Story.
I LOVE how he says, "Whoo-DEE!" and "Bah-gah". If someone could just explain to me
how bah-gah is supposed to translate to Buzz Light-Year, that'd be great. And just like his
big brother and father, he loves Transformers. Preferably Bumble Bee.

Words: Like I said, "Whoo-DEE!" is one of my favorites right now. He talks a ton, 
and has far too many words at his disposal to name them all, but "balloon", "love you too", and
"What doing, Mommy?" melt me. Every. Time. Oh! And the way he calls Eva, "sis-ha" 
and never by her name.

Not exactly thrilled to be participating (or lack there of) in a photo shoot.

Signature Moves: He is still my little sweet heart. He is so kind and snuggly. 
He's also become quite the little dancer as of late. Pharrell's Happy is a major hit in this house.

Mommy's MOST PROUD Moment: Would "everything" be a super lame answer? He's
the best little brother and his siblings think the world of him. At this stage, they
all get a long so well. He makes me proud every day.

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