the kiddies

the kiddies

Friday, December 20, 2013

Blogmas Day 19: The Santa Struggle

I love this time of year. I love the tree, and the decorations, and the lights.
I love the music and the movies. I love the colors and the excitement.
And I really love the seasonal ho-ho mochas at Caribou.

But with the constant questions from my 4 year old and 3 year old
about when Santa will arrive and if he's done making their gifts and if they can
leave treats out each night in hopes that he'll come early...
I'm starting to question if the whole Santa thing has already become
too much of a focal point of their holiday...
And I'm suddenly being faced with an unexpected Santa struggle.

First of all, and most selfishly, my husband and I work hard to give our children the things
they want (and the things they need), so to share credit or giving credit to a made-up
man in a red suit doesn't sit well with me (and YES, I know his character is
TECHNICALLY based on that of a Saint, but who has become over time is
completely mythical). And I know the Santa phase is short lived, and belief in him is
completely innocent, but nonetheless, is belief in him necessary? 

Can my kids do without him?

It's too late to make any drastic changes this year, but I've got some ideas for next year...

I don't mind the story of Santa, and like I said, I like all the movies and songs
that have over time come with the territory. And at no point would I discourage
any sort of belief in him, but I want to restructure how he's viewed, in OUR house.

For instance, I think next year Santa will only deliver gifts to children in need. And my
children can help participate in his mission by donating gifts or getting involved in activities
that give back to our community. Maybe as a thank you for their service, Santa will make a 
quick stop at our house to fill up their stockings (because let's face it, stocking stuffers are
the more fun to shop for then anything else).

And instead of celebrating Santa's deliveries on Christmas morning, maybe
we can have a small birthday breakfast to help facilitate recognition for what 
Christmas Day REALLY is, a celebratory day of the birth and life of Jesus Christ. 
I'm not going to go all Bible-banger on you, but
it's become increasingly more important to me over the years to be true to holiday.

I would never judge parents or families for how they portray Santa Clause
and Christmas because, like all things, I truly believe there is room for interpretation. 
I'm just not sure where I stand anymore.

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