the kiddies

the kiddies

Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Goals

I've decided to call them "goals" this year instead of "resolutions".
It all just seems more achievable that way. Here's my current list of 2013 
Goals... In no particular order.

1. Consume less, save more. I love to shop. I love to shop for my kids.
We enjoy spending money on our children. This year, I would like to focus more
on what we have, and less on what we want. 
I want to explore any and all options on being more of a self-sustaining unit.
I think I just made up my mind in regards to cloth diapering.
So, with all the money we are no longer spending on excess consuming,
I would like to build a nest egg. We could certainly save more, and not just for an
emergency, but for our future.

2. Make healthier habits for myself and my family.
Our vegetable and fruit intake is not where it should be and 
is something I really want to work on.
We cook a lot as it is, but part of healthier habits is cooking more from 
scratch. That way, we know exactly what is in the food we eat.
And duh, we could all get more exercise.

3. Be a better friend.
I get so consumed with my children and my husband that its like
I'm a hermit! I am perfectly content putting everything I have to give
into my family. It's not that I want to give less to my family, 
but I need to figure out how to balance friends and family better.
I've been a lousy friend. I know it.

4. PRINT photos. 
I take loads of pictures, but almost never print them. 
God forbid something eat my computer, or my camera memory cards
wipe out all the photos store on them. 
I would be devastated.

5. Establish a legal will.
This is the LAST thing in the world I want to think about because
I currently plan on living until I am 583... But we have 3 little babies,
and having a plan in place for their care isn't just responsible, it's important.

6. Take a weekend family trip.
I know I said I want to save money, but a weekend away doesn't have to
cost a fortune. We are all very deserving of getting out of our normal
surroundings for a break every once and awhile.

So that's it. Hopefully I can make good on all of them!

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